Join Us For Stay The Course!

Join Kate Slater and Mira Stern, co-authors of the 2021 Antiracist Roadmap, for an in-person coaching session that will allow you to deepen your impact and stay the course of our year ahead.

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Join Us For

Stay The Course!

Ready to deepen your antiracism action plans for the year? Join Kate Slater and Mira Stern, co-authors of the 2021 Antiracist Roadmap, for an in-person coaching session that will allow you to deepen your impact and stay the course of our year ahead. Our commitments to individual and collective change take ongoing commitment and rootedness in community--join us for a taste of both!

90 minutes of community coaching time for $21--you can't beat it. 20% of proceeds go to direct reparations to Black/Native reparations.

Check out the roadmap here, in case you haven't filled yours out yet!

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Mark your calendars—Accomplice Academy

Returns In April!

A 7-part series on building consciousness and awareness. Sharpen your toolkit with actionable anti-racist measures you can implement in your community starting immediately. Gain an accountability structure and network on our shared journey. April date to be determined, so please stay tuned!